Can I become pregnant with tied pipes?

Can I become pregnant with tied pipes?
To date, a large number of methods and preparations for contraception are presented in modern medicine and pharmacology. The maximum level of prevention of unwanted pregnancy only gives sterilization or ligation of the fallopian tubes. If a woman has serious genetic pathologies, a doctor can often recommend a similar procedure.

Such a plan can also be manipulated by girls who have already had two children by caesarean section and no longer want babies. There are some women who decide voluntarily, without medical indication for the procedure, but sooner or later the question will be asked if the tubes are connected, we can get pregnant, so we will try to answer it.

General information
It is impossible to answer clearly if it is possible to conceive from bandage tubes if you do not study the physiological process of conceiving a baby. Germ cells mature in a woman's ovaries, or as they are called eggs. After the egg cells are ready, they break through the shell and move to one of the fallopian tubes. It is at this location that the egg is expected to meet and fertilize the sperm.

Tubal ligation

If this happens, the fertilized egg will continue along this path. The ultimate goal is penetration into the uterine cavity, where attachment to the uterine lining occurs. Here the fetus develops before the end of pregnancy.

Accordingly, when a significant element falls away in such a natural chain, no embryo forms in the body. The fact is that the egg cannot pass the correct path, which will lead to its inevitable death, because the encounter with the sperm does not take place. This means that the answer to the question of whether it is possible to conceive from the tubes that are tied off naturally will be unambiguously negative.

With all this, it is known that cases of pregnancy with first aid tubes dominate medicine. With such an intervention in the body, the concept of a child arises as a result of a combination of favorable factors to achieve this goal, including:

The operation was performed with a low quality level, or there was a defect;
Pregnancy during fallopian tubal sterilization occurs when they form a new branch for the release of an egg during the fusion;
If conception took place before the pipes were stuck.
Every woman must understand that pregnancy is possible after fallopian tube ligation, cases are not rare, but often it is ectopic, which is a pretty dangerous condition for a woman's health.

This is because the free access to the egg is limited. After sterilization has been performed, it is important to ensure that the intervention has been carried out correctly and without defects. To do this, the doctor sends the patient to the ultrasound diagnosis of the pelvic organs. The screening will determine the degree of tubal patency and whether there are complications.

It is not surprising that if the fallopian tubes are connected, or if it is possible to conceive, every woman who has undergone this procedure is interested. In those situations where the operation is performed correctly, the chance of a baby being conceived is reduced to zero.

Is it possible to get pregnant from a tied pipe a question that has no definitive answer. Naturally, fertilization can occur, but most likely the egg will be outside the womb and undergo a complicated operation to remove it.

If the tubes are attached, you can become pregnant by in vitro fertilization. This procedure refers to assisted reproductive techniques and is quite popular with modern women with a diagnosis of infertility.

Artificial fertilization - IVF stages

Let us examine in more detail how you can become pregnant if the pipes are connected to IVF. To do this, go to a specialized clinic and inform your specialist about your wish. The doctor will prescribe the diagnosis of the body, after which hormone therapy is prescribed.

With her help, they grow and check the condition of the eggs. When they reach maturity, they perform their puncture and transfer it to a test tube for full development. The sperm from the donor or man will then perform his fertilization and transfer it to the woman's womb. Then you have to keep the future mother physical and psychological rest, because the chance that the embryo will take root is relatively low (from 60 to 80%).

So, as an answer to the question of whether it is possible to conceive after the fallopian tubes have sterilization, it is to be said that the probability exists, but it is low. IVF protocols are not always successfully completed because the embryo may die and then the procedure must be repeated one second and, if necessary, a third time.

Pregnancy with first-aid tubes occurs in rare cases. That is why, if a woman cannot clearly decide if she wants to have children, she must choose alternative methods of contraception and, in extreme situations, switch to radical methods. When the doctors are asked if it is possible to become pregnant after sterilization, the woman will most likely hear a negative answer, so you often have to think about this step.

Is it possible to get pregnant without IVF with bandages
Surgical sterilization or tubal ligation is a radical method of contraception. Women who have chosen this path experience whether it is possible to get pregnant with bandage tubes. Some want to trust that pregnancy is definitely not coming. And someone repents and thinks about how you can regain the ability to have children.

Is it possible to get pregnant by accident?
It is impossible to give a clear answer to this question. It used to be impossible to get pregnant naturally after such an operation. And counting on the complete restoration of the correct functioning of the reproductive system is also not worthwhile.

Sometimes a woman who has compulsively or consciously decided about this operation after a certain time expresses a desire to become a mother and hopes that she will succeed.

So is it possible to become pregnant after sterilization? To understand the essence of the problem, you have to figure out how conception occurs.

At some point an egg that has matured in the ovary breaks through the membrane and goes to the fallopian tube. During sexual intercourse, the spermatozoa move in the same direction and are added together with the egg. In the case of a successful development of events, the egg formed. It begins to move along the tube, reaches the uterus and there it goes together with the uterine lining. Attached to the inner wall of the uterus, the fetus develops until birth.

Every element plays an important role in this chain of pregnancy. Consequently, embryo formation after fallopian tube ligation is impossible because the egg will die before it reaches its final destination.

However, the chance of natural conception after surgery is rare, but still exists:

If the technology of the operation was violated, affecting its quality;
In the case of spontaneous fusion of the fallopian tubes, allowing them to create a new path to sperm;
The woman became pregnant before the operation.
From all the above, we can conclude that a natural pregnancy after sterilization is extremely rare.

Risk of ectopic pregnancy
Not all women know that if the tubes are connected during caesarean section, this does not offer a complete guarantee that a new pregnancy will not take place.

Of course, the combination of these two procedures is very useful for both women and doctors. After all, there is no need for reoperation. However, the human body is able to recover quickly, and sometimes this possibility borders on a miracle from the point of view of medical theory.

As the body of women directs all forces to recovery after delivery, injured tubes are involved in this process. Of course, from the point of view of common sense, the chances that they will be able to recover, allowing the egg to move, are negligible. But life situations prove that such a possibility still exists. The sperm can penetrate into the egg and fertilize it. Pregnancy will come, but it will most likely be an ectopic. If it is not discovered in time, the health and even the life of a woman is in great danger. To prevent this situation, it is important to follow the menstrual cycle for several years after the operation.

So if it was decided to connect the snakes, it must be taken into account that the risk of ectopic pregnancy will increase several times. That is why it is important to undergo an ultrasound examination after this surgical procedure. The doctor can assess how the operation went by analyzing the degree of pipeline.

How to restore the pipe flow
For women who really want to experience the joy of motherhood, modern medicine can offer ways to get pregnant:

Consider these methods in detail.

With the help of laparoscopy and plastics from the tubes, it is possible to restore the lumen in the fallopian tube, that is, to loosen them. But a pregnancy after the fallopian tubes can only occur if they are too strongly tied or knotted.

If part of the organ was removed during surgery, laparoscopy will not help.
Is it possible to get pregnant from stuck pipes if you restore the patency with the help of plastics?

In this case the chance of natural conception after surgery is less than 50%. And this is still a pretty good indicator. The success of the procedure influences the time factor. If the pipes are fastened not so long ago, the chance of getting pregnant increases.

The more time has elapsed since the surgery, the more the cilia are atrophied. And this means that even with complete recovery of the passage, conception will not come. This is due to the fact that the fertilized egg cannot move through the tube.

Will IVF help?
Can I become pregnant after sterilization with IVF?

If a sterilized woman really wants to become pregnant, the modern IVF procedure (in vitro fertilization) can help her with this.

To get pregnant with this method, pipes are not necessary at all. To make the process a success, you need a healthy uterus, good doctors, good luck and a certain amount: this procedure is unfortunately expensive.

From the theory point of view, IVF is very simple. An egg is taken from a woman's ovary, fertilized in a test tube and then transplanted into the woman's womb. However, its practical implementation is very complex and consists of different phases.

Consider the steps to be taken towards the long-awaited pregnancy.

Phase 1. "Superovulation"
Given that it is normal for a woman to have one adult egg per month, it is the task of doctors to increase her number as much as possible. To achieve the desired result, a woman takes strong hormones for 1-3 weeks. They stimulate the ovaries so that "superovulation" occurs.

Such hormone therapy is called IVF protocols. There are different kinds. An individual protocol is selected for each woman depending on the condition of her reproductive system and age. How eggs are mature is assessed by ultrasound.

Phase 2. Extraction of the egg.
Once the eggs have grown to the correct size, they must be removed. To do this, by pricking the vagina with a special needle into the ovary, collecting adult eggs. This phase is performed under anesthesia and under the supervision of ultrasound. The resulting eggs are placed in a special environment for a few days. At present, the sperm is collected future father.

Phase 3. Fertilization.
This phase is performed in a laboratory where the presence of expectant parents is not necessary. The most commonly used method is when sperm cells are added to an egg tank. This process is similar to natural fertilization.

Once the egg is fertilized, it is considered an embryo. The embryos are stored in incubators for a number of days, where embryologists ensure that their development proceeds correctly. A suitable diagnosis can be made at this stage to eliminate the risk of possible hereditary and genetic diseases.

In case there are many viable embryos, these can be frozen and used a second time if necessary.

Phase 4. Embedding the embryo in the womb.
Since the chance of successful attachment of the embryo to the womb depends on the thickness of the womb lining, a woman takes special hormonal preparations for replanting that stimulate growth.

After this phase, a woman does not have to get up within an hour. After 2 weeks she can do a long-awaited pregnancy test.
Can a woman become pregnant with snakes with IVF? The answer will be positive in most cases. But do not forget that the risk of death of the implanted embryos is high. Therefore, a 100% guarantee cannot be given in this case.

Of course, the birth of children must be desirable and planned. And all sensible couples understand this by choosing different methods of birth control. However, you should not try to solve the problem once and for all by using serious operations such as sterilization. After all, it is quite possible that after a while this will have to be very unfortunate and it will take a lot of effort and material costs to correct the situation.

Obstetrician-Gynecologist Comment
The obstetrician-gynecologist Elena Artemyeva answers the patients' questions.

- Is it possible to become pregnant if the fallopian tubes are tied up? I am a mother of many children, I do not plan children. I have a menstrual delay, I am afraid I "flew". Very worried.

- Pregnancy is impossible with a properly performed operation. Sometimes, extremely rarely, the patency of the pipes is restored. I advise you to take a pregnancy test.

- After the second caesarean section I was connected to pipes. And suddenly signs of pregnancy. Can I get pregnant if the pipes are tied? I don't mind giving birth.
- The chance of becoming pregnant is almost zero if the sterilization was performed correctly. If the pregnancy is still there, there is a risk that it will be ectopic. Therefore, perform the test urgently.
- How to get pregnant if the pipes are tied? I had surgery five years ago and now I have a desire to have another child. Is there a chance to get pregnant without IVF?
- You have to look at the pipes, but the chances are extremely small. In this case now sent to IVF.

Connected pipes and pregnancy
Hello, please tell me if I can get pregnant with strapped tubes? The operation was four years ago.

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Hello i am 33 years old and i gave birth to five kids two years ago but i had an ectopic while i asked to move me tube.Now i have a man and he wants to give birth to a child or i can go to a doctor to me razvezali pipe thanks in advance
Hello Lena! Restoring the accessibility of the fallopian tubes is a difficult operation, and not just because of the difficulty, but because of the result. So the best option is to turn to fertility specialists and in vitro fertilization, ie IVF, IVF and IVF is not always successful in such cases. Absolute probability and therefore no one cares, and in your case it is even less.

Lena, good afternoon!
Yes, you have a chance of pregnancy after plastics. If you have connected the pipe but have not cut it.
But of course you have to go for an examination, make an analysis and consult with your doctor!
Hello, I am 25. I had 3 cesereas, and the last one was a year ago, I asked to connect the pipes, and now I am breastfeeding, and they will have monthly periods, what is the reason for this? Thanks in advance!

After two ectopic pregnancies the tubes were removed from me, tell me which method is possible fertilization?
Did you remove two pipes at the same time ?? I don't want to upset you, but with one pipe there is a chance of getting pregnant, but he is very miserable. Now I'm afraid to even imagine what to say about two pipes ..

You can try IVF, but this does not guarantee the normal outcome of the pregnancy. Options in this situation are  few. If everything is difficult, would you consider the option of a foster child?
Hello, I am 36 years old, 5 years ago I had a son and during the operation I was connected with pipes, another doctor told me it was illegal because I was not 35 years old. Now I am remarried and my husband has no children and we really want a joint child. Please tell me how to be in this situation? Thanks in advance, with respect Oksana.

In general, yes, plastic can be done. The question is why they were connected. This was probably done according to medical indications, but even then it was theoretically necessary to give permission. In any case, there are really only two ways to repair plastic pipes or IVF. If it was all medical, consider whether you would give birth alone? Maybe it's better to have a foster child?

Good evening! It is one thing if the pipe binding was done according to your wish (here you are the culprit), another thing for medical reasons. In the first case there are options, in the second case most probably not (reduced to zero). If the ligation of the pipes is of qualitative and reliable design, then getting pregnant naturally will not work. You can make plastic pipes (expensive procedure), or do IVF. And that and that option do not guarantee 100% of the result.

I always had a normal cycle of 25-27 days, a delay of 6 days. I'm 40? Did you have pain in the way of a woman, are the pipes attached or cut off? I'm not sure. What happened to me when there was no failure?

Every woman who leads an intimate life must always take a pregnancy test in the event of a delay. After that the image becomes a bit clearer. Nevertheless, even if you always had a stable cycle and you exclude pregnancy, I would like to say that no one is immune to such failures. They can be experiences and family problems, climate change and even joyful events. In the body everything is connected. Moreover, 40 years can be the start of other hormonal changes that ultimately lead to menopause. Climax very rarely occurs abruptly, usually due to a cycle failure and the process begins.
Without exaggeration, there are dozens of reasons for the delay - of stress and the effects of a cold on early menopause. As you have already answered in previous comments, and pregnancy can of course be the same.
Go to your doctor. Accurately understand what it is that only a specialist can understand based on the results of analyzes.

Go to the doctor. Connected tubes and truth give no guarantees about the absence of pregnancy. It is best to be tested, to rule out pregnancy with the hCG test and to pass the hormone test. After the investigation, everything becomes clear.

Good day! Maybe I will surprise you, but the binding of the pipes is not a 100% guarantee that you will not get pregnant. To start, make a test, donate blood for hCG. Well then, if there is no pregnancy, test for hormones. They are not born with hormonal disturbances, it happens suddenly, for various reasons.
Is it possible to become pregnant while tying pipes in a natural way? The dressing was 10 years ago. I am 34 years old, my last period was in February.

Good evening! Yes, it is possible and these are not isolated cases. 100% guarantee that nobody will give you. Do a pregnancy test, donate blood for hCG, simple manipulations help you confirm or deny the pregnancy. If it is not there, it will have to be tested for other hormones, the absence of menstruation at such a young age is not good.
Good afternoon, Olesya! Unfortunately, in this situation, the start of pregnancy is impossible because the egg cannot get from the ovary to the fallopian tube and meet the sperm. Since the ovaries are stored in you, menstrual irregularities should not be observed. It is logical to contact a gynecologist to decide on the use of assisted reproductive technology (IVF). Good luck!

Olesya, good afternoon! 
Generally a very controversial problem. How correctly was the pipe binding done and who did it for you at that age and for what reasons? Naturally, if the pipes are connected, you will not become pregnant. And not because the sperm will not pass, but because the egg will not work. As a result, both IVF and plastic pipes can be called into question here, as ten years have passed.

Unfortunately this is unlikely. Especially after such a long time after connecting. If you manage to become pregnant without IVF - this can be considered a miracle, I think, just as any gynecologist will tell you. In very rare cases the dressing lacks the sperm, which can in principle be considered an unsuccessful dressing.
10 months ago I gave birth to a daughter, this is my second child and also a caesarean section, my doctor asked - do we connect the pipes? I agreed, everything seemed to be in order, menstruation was on time and now 2 months have passed and that is not the case. I bought the test, it doesn't seem to be pregnant, but there is no period, but in principle I always had an irregular period, but after giving birth it seems to have been one month a month. What could be the problem?

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